A Professional Development Program to Enhance Primary School Teachers’ Knowledge and Operationalization of Physical Literacy
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Murdoch, 2010, Physical literacy: Throughout the lifecourse, 175
Phillips, 2008, Professional development as a critical component of continuing teacher quality, The Australian Journal of Teacher Education,, 33, 37, 10.14221/ajte.2008v33n1.3
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Pot, 2018, Physical literacy from philosophy to practice, Journal of Teaching in Physical Education,, 37, 246, 10.1123/jtpe.2018-0133
Edwards, 2015, PE teachers’ perceptions of high quality physical education in Welsh medium secondary schools [canfyddiadau athrawon addysg gorfforol ar addysg gorfforol ansawdd uchel yn ysgolion cyfrwng Cymraeg], Gwerddon,, 20, 44
Braun, 2006, Using thematic analysis in psychology, Qualitative Research in Psychology,, 3, 77, 10.1191/1478088706qp063oa
Kirk, 2012, The future for primary physical education, Journal of Pedagogic Development,, 2, 38
Hunzicker, 2011, Effective professional development for teachers: A checklist, Professional Development in Education,, 37, 177, 10.1080/19415257.2010.523955
Edwards, 2017, Definitions, foundations and associations of physical literacy: A systematic review, Sports Medicine,, 47, 113, 10.1007/s40279-016-0560-7
Bernstein, 1977, Class codes and control, towards a theory of educational transmissions, 3
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Atencio, 2012, ‘It is a case of changing your thought processes, the way you actually teach’: Implementing a complex professional learning agenda in Scottish physical education, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy,, 17, 127, 10.1080/17408989.2011.565469
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Bannon, 2013, An investigation into teaching strategies and assessment methods to foster physical literacy, ICSSPE Journal of Sport Science and Physical Education,, 65, 199
Merrell, 2012, Working with difficult children in primary schools: A guide for teachers
Holdsworth, 2008, Professional development for education for sustainability: How advanced are Australian universities?, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education,, 9, 131, 10.1108/14676370810856288
Harris, 2012, The predicament of primary physical education: A consequence of ‘insufficient’ ITT and ‘ineffective’ CPD?, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy,, 17, 367, 10.1080/17408989.2011.582489
Duncombe, 2003, Enhancing teachers’ and pupils’ learning in primary school physical education: The role of collaborative professional learning
Whitehead, 2013, Creating learning experiences to foster physical literacy, ICSSPE Journal of Sport Science and Physical Education,, 65, 72
Hardman, 2010, Physical education: “The future ain’t what it used to be!”
Armour, 2015, What is ‘effective’ CPD for contemporary physical education teachers? A Deweyan framework, Sport, Education and Society,, 22, 799, 10.1080/13573322.2015.1083000
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Morgan, 2019, Collaborative action research to enhance primary teachers’ knowledge, understanding and delivery of physical education and the physical literacy journeys of their pupils: A sustainable and replicable CPD process, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy,, 24, 43, 10.1080/17408989.2018.1533543
Barbazette, 2005, Training needs assessment: Methods, tools and techniques
Gibbs, 1988, Learning by doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods
McLennan, 2015, Quality physical education: Guidelines for policy-makers
Keegan, 2019, Defining physical literacy: A modified Delphi method, Journal of Teaching in Physical Education,, 38, 10.1123/jtpe.2018-0264
Hardman, 2010, Physical education: “The future ain’t what it used to be!”
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Blair, 2008, Intended or unintended? Issues arising from the implementation of the UK Government’s 2003 Schools Workforce Remodelling Act, Perspectives in Education,, 26, 105
Edwards, 2015, PE teachers’ perceptions of high quality physical education in Welsh medium secondary schools [canfyddiadau athrawon addysg gorfforol ar addysg gorfforol ansawdd uchel yn ysgolion cyfrwng Cymraeg], Gwerddon,, 20, 44
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Capel, 2016, Learning to teach in the secondary school: A companion to school experience, 10.4324/9781315766232
Green, 2002, Criterion referenced assessment as a guide to learning—The importance of progression and reliability
Phillips, 2008, Professional development as a critical component of continuing teacher quality, The Australian Journal of Teacher Education,, 33, 37, 10.14221/ajte.2008v33n1.3
Taplin, 2013, A story of physical literacy in primary initial teacher training and education, ICSSPE Journal of Sport Science and Physical Education,, 65, 257
Edwards, 2018, ‘Measuring’ physical literacy and related constructs: A systematic review of empirical findings, Sports Medicine,, 48, 659, 10.1007/s40279-017-0817-9
Edwards, 2017, Definitions, foundations and associations of physical literacy: A systematic review, Sports Medicine,, 47, 113, 10.1007/s40279-016-0560-7
Welk, 2005, Validation of the children and youth physical self perceptions profile for young children, Psychology of Sport and Exercise,, 6, 51, 10.1016/j.psychsport.2003.10.006
Paine, 2014, Complete guide to primary dance
Sloan, 2010, The continuing development of primary sector physical education: Working together to raise quality of provision, European Physical Education Review,, 16, 267, 10.1177/1356336X10382976
Vickerman, 2015, Learning to teach physical education in the secondary school: A companion to school experience, 156
Shearer, 2018, How is physical literacy defined? A contemporary update, Journal of Teaching in Physical Education,, 37, 237, 10.1123/jtpe.2018-0136
Bunker, 1982, A model for the teaching of games in secondary schools, Bulletin of Physical Education,, 18, 58
Bernstein, 1977, Class codes and control, towards a theory of educational transmissions, 3
Durden-Myers, 2018, Implications for promoting physical literacy, Journal of Teaching in Physcial Education,, 37, 262, 10.1123/jtpe.2018-0131
Robinson, 2018, Physical literacy (mis)understandings: What do leading physical education teachers know about physical literacy?, Journal of Teaching in Physical Education,, 37, 288, 10.1123/jtpe.2018-0135
Jess, 2017, Moving primary physical education forward: Start at the beginning, Education 3-13,, 5, 645, 10.1080/03004279.2016.1155072
Brito, 2009, Targeted School Self-Evaluation Improvement Team (TSSEIT) evaluation tools support materials
O’sullivan, 2002, Effective follow-up strategies for professional development for primary teachers in Namibia, Teacher Development,, 6, 181, 10.1080/13664530200200164
Dudley, 2017, Critical considerations for physical literacy policy in public health, recreation, sport, and education agencies, Quest,, 69, 436, 10.1080/00336297.2016.1268967
Zeedyk, 2003, Negotiating the transition from primary to secondary school: Perceptions of pupils, parents and teachers, School Psychology International,, 24, 67, 10.1177/0143034303024001010
Taplin, 2013, A story of physical literacy in primary initial teacher training and education, ICSSPE Journal of Sport Science and Physical Education,, 65, 257
Larouche, 2015, Daily physical education in primary school and physical activity in midlife: The Trois-Rivières study, The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness,, 55, 527
Patton, 2002, Qualitative evaluation and research methods
Barbazette, 2005, Training needs assessment: Methods, tools and techniques
Zeedyk, 2003, Negotiating the transition from primary to secondary school: Perceptions of pupils, parents and teachers, School Psychology International,, 24, 67, 10.1177/0143034303024001010
Armour, 2004, Continuing professional development for experienced physical education teachers: Towards effective provision, Sport, Education and Society,, 9, 95, 10.1080/1357332042000175836
Kirk, 2012, The future for primary physical education, Journal of Pedagogic Development,, 2, 38
Edwards, 2018, ‘Measuring’ physical literacy and related constructs: A systematic review of empirical findings, Sports Medicine,, 48, 659, 10.1007/s40279-017-0817-9
Armour, 2015, What is ‘effective’ CPD for contemporary physical education teachers? A Deweyan framework, Sport, Education and Society,, 22, 799, 10.1080/13573322.2015.1083000
Hunzicker, 2011, Effective professional development for teachers: A checklist, Professional Development in Education,, 37, 177, 10.1080/19415257.2010.523955
Dudley, 2017, Critical considerations for physical literacy policy in public health, recreation, sport, and education agencies, Quest,, 69, 436, 10.1080/00336297.2016.1268967
Durden-Myers, 2018, Implications for promoting physical literacy, Journal of Teaching in Physcial Education,, 37, 262, 10.1123/jtpe.2018-0131
Cale, 2018, The role of knowledge and understanding in fostering physical literacy, Journal of Teaching in Physcial Education,, 37, 280, 10.1123/jtpe.2018-0134
Gibbs, 1988, Learning by doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods
Braun, 2006, Using thematic analysis in psychology, Qualitative Research in Psychology,, 3, 77, 10.1191/1478088706qp063oa
Green, 2002, Criterion referenced assessment as a guide to learning—The importance of progression and reliability
Capel, 2016, Learning to teach in the secondary school: A companion to school experience, 10.4324/9781315766232
Armour, 2004, Continuing professional development for experienced physical education teachers: Towards effective provision, Sport, Education and Society,, 9, 95, 10.1080/1357332042000175836
Shearer, 2018, How is physical literacy defined? A contemporary update, Journal of Teaching in Physical Education,, 37, 237, 10.1123/jtpe.2018-0136
Spengler, 2015, Physical literacy: A global environmental scan
Sloan, 2010, The continuing development of primary sector physical education: Working together to raise quality of provision, European Physical Education Review,, 16, 267, 10.1177/1356336X10382976
Vickerman, 2015, Learning to teach physical education in the secondary school: A companion to school experience, 156
Cale, 2018, The role of knowledge and understanding in fostering physical literacy, Journal of Teaching in Physcial Education,, 37, 280, 10.1123/jtpe.2018-0134
Welk, 2005, Validation of the children and youth physical self perceptions profile for young children, Psychology of Sport and Exercise,, 6, 51, 10.1016/j.psychsport.2003.10.006
Blair, 2008, Intended or unintended? Issues arising from the implementation of the UK Government’s 2003 Schools Workforce Remodelling Act, Perspectives in Education,, 26, 105
Bailey, 2000, Teaching physical education 5-11, 73
Keegan, 2019, Defining physical literacy: A modified Delphi method, Journal of Teaching in Physical Education,, 38, 10.1123/jtpe.2018-0264
Merrell, 2012, Working with difficult children in primary schools: A guide for teachers
Larouche, 2015, Daily physical education in primary school and physical activity in midlife: The Trois-Rivières study, The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness,, 55, 527
Spengler, 2015, Physical literacy: A global environmental scan
Robinson, 2018, Physical literacy (mis)understandings: What do leading physical education teachers know about physical literacy?, Journal of Teaching in Physical Education,, 37, 288, 10.1123/jtpe.2018-0135
Atencio, 2012, ‘It is a case of changing your thought processes, the way you actually teach’: Implementing a complex professional learning agenda in Scottish physical education, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy,, 17, 127, 10.1080/17408989.2011.565469
Duncombe, 2003, Enhancing teachers’ and pupils’ learning in primary school physical education: The role of collaborative professional learning
Bunker, 1982, A model for the teaching of games in secondary schools, Bulletin of Physical Education,, 18, 58
Bannon, 2013, An investigation into teaching strategies and assessment methods to foster physical literacy, ICSSPE Journal of Sport Science and Physical Education,, 65, 199