A Modeling Approach for the Study of Contamination in a Fractured Aquifer

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 26 - Trang 519-533 - 2008
Claudia Cherubini1
1Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Bari, Bari, Italy

Tóm tắt

The study of contaminants propagation in fractured and karstic aquifers shows uncertainties caused by the conditions of anisotropy of the medium and by the presence of cavities and residual products that could make fluid flow and solute transport unforeseeable. Therefore, in aquifers characterized by fissured and fractured solid matrix, in order to set up remediation strategies, it is necessary to represent the conditions of groundwater flow and contaminant propagation in such a way as to take into consideration the high heterogeneity connected to the presence of fractures and channels that act as preferential flow ways. The study carried out in a specified site, located in the city of Bari, heavily contaminated by petroliferous substances allows to build a model able to simulate subterranean draining conditions that prove to be as near as possible to the real ones. This simulation could be helpful for the prevision of the dynamic behavior of the aquifer during the period of the treatment in order to allow optimizations on the technical and economical point of view and in order to check the effective functionality of the system in the presence of anthropic constraints.

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