A Critical Review on the Complex Potentials in Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics

Journal of Elasticity - Tập 147 - Trang 291-308 - 2022
Johannes Scheel1, Daniel Wallenta2, Andreas Ricoeur1
1Institute of Mechanics, University of Kassel, Kassel, Germany
2Institute of Mathematics, University of Kassel, Kassel, Germany

Tóm tắt

Introducing a crack in an elastic plate is challenging from the mathematical point of view and relevant within an engineering context of evaluating strength and reliability of structures. Accordingly, a multitude of associated works is available to date, emanating from both applied mathematics and mechanics communities. Although considering the same problem, the given complex potentials prove to be different, revealing various inconsistencies in terms of resulting stresses and displacements. Essential information on crack near-tip fields and crack opening displacements is nonetheless available, while intuitive adaption is required to obtain the full-field solutions. Investigating the cause of prevailing deficiencies inevitably leads to a critical review of classical works by Muskhelishvili or Westergaard. Complex potentials of the mixed-mode loaded Griffith crack, sparing restrictive assumptions or limitations of validity, are finally provided, allowing for rigorous mathematical treatment. The entity of stresses and displacements in the whole plate is finally illustrated and the distributions in the crack plane are given explicitly.

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