A Clinical Model for the Treatment of Personality Disordered Sexual Offenders: An Example of Theory Knitting

Jos Buschman1, Daan van Beek2
1Dr. S. van Mesdagkliniek, Groningen, The Netherlands
2Dr Henri van der Hoevenkliniek, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Tóm tắt

In this paper we present a clinical model for the treatment of personality disordered sexual offenders. The model is based on the theoretical assumption that cognitive distortions emerge from more general explanatory theories. It seems that the pathways of offending processes that are characterized by positive or negative affects can be found in all treated sex offenders regardless of their motivation. We assume that these pathways are activated by cognitive distortions that illustrate the underlying general explanatory theory held by the offender and that these distortions are typical for overall daily interpersonal behavior of the offender. This means that, as predicted by our clinical model in the case of offenders with a personality disorder, the type of explanatory cognition that is underlying their sexual offenses is the same as the one that is underlying their general explanatory theories. We will describe the clinical model and the treatment program used at Forensic Psychiatric Hospital Center Veldzicht with a review of our experiences.

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