Plant diseases and pests detection based on deep learning: a review
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Plant diseases and pests are important factors determining the yield and quality of plants. Plant diseases and pests identification can be carried out by means of digital image processing. In recent years, deep learning has made breakthroughs in the field of digital image processing, far superior to traditional methods. How to use deep learning technology to study plant diseases and pests identification has become a research issue of great concern to researchers. This review provides a definition of plant diseases and pests detection problem, puts forward a comparison with traditional plant diseases and pests detection methods. According to the difference of network structure, this study outlines the research on plant diseases and pests detection based on deep learning in recent years from three aspects of classification network, detection network and segmentation network, and the advantages and disadvantages of each method are summarized. Common datasets are introduced, and the performance of existing studies is compared. On this basis, this study discusses possible challenges in practical applications of plant diseases and pests detection based on deep learning. In addition, possible solutions and research ideas are proposed for the challenges, and several suggestions are given. Finally, this study gives the analysis and prospect of the future trend of plant diseases and pests detection based on deep learning.
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