Feature-based methods for large scale dynamic programming

Machine Learning - Tập 22 - Trang 59-94 - 1996
John N. Tsitsiklis1, Benjamin van Roy1
1Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Tóm tắt

We develop a methodological framework and present a few different ways in which dynamic programming and compact representations can be combined to solve large scale stochastic control problems. In particular, we develop algorithms that employ two types of feature-based compact representations; that is, representations that involve feature extraction and a relatively simple approximation architecture. We prove the convergence of these algorithms and provide bounds on the approximation error. As an example, one of these algorithms is used to generate a strategy for the game of Tetris. Furthermore, we provide a counter-example illustrating the difficulties of integrating compact representations with dynamic programming, which exemplifies the shortcomings of certain simple approaches.

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