An Analytic Center Machine

Machine Learning - Tập 46 - Trang 203-223 - 2002
Theodore B. Trafalis1, Alexander M. Malyscheff1
1Laboratory for Optimization and Intelligent Systems, School of Industrial Engineering, The University of Oklahoma, Norman, USA

Tóm tắt

Support vector machines have recently attracted much attention in the machine learning and optimization communities for their remarkable generalization ability. The support vector machine solution corresponds to the center of the largest hypersphere inscribed in the version space. Recently, however, alternative approaches (Herbrich, Graepel, & Campbell, In Proceedings of ESANN 2000) have suggested that the generalization performance can be further enhanced by considering other possible centers of the version space like the center of gravity. However, efficient methods for calculating the center of gravity of a polyhedron are lacking. A center that can be computed efficiently using Newton's method is the analytic center of a convex polytope. We propose an algorithm, that finds the hypothesis that corresponds to the analytic center of the version space. We refer to this type of classifier as the analytic center machine (ACM). Preliminary experimental results are presented for which ACMs outperform support vector machines.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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