Cultural phenomena and the research enterprise: Toward a culturally anchored methodology

American Journal of Community Psychology - Tập 21 - Trang 687-703 - 1993
Diane Hughes1, Edward Seidman1, Nathaniel Williams1
1Center for Community Research and Action, Psychology Department, New York University, New York

Tóm tắt

Highlights the points at which culture intersects major phases of the research enterprise — problem formulation, population definition, concept and measurement development, research design, methodology, and data analysis — and influences and constrains what researchers deem worthy of investigation and how they interpret what they observe. These ethnocentric biases inhibit the development of a knowledge base for understanding diverse cultural communities. At each step of the research process, the need to carefully examine and expose the underlying cultural assumptions and to generate and develop alternative choices is emphasized. Guidelines are provided to encourage researchers to be aware of and deliberately make choices toward the development of a culturally anchored methodology that balances the demands for rigor and sensitivity.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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