Water use in rice schemes in the Senegal river Delta and Valley
Tóm tắt
The water use of rice schemes was derived from field measurements made during the 1991 and 1992 season at 13 irrigation schemes situated in the delta and valley of the Senegal river. The seasonal water consumption, as well as the water distribution throughout the season and the operation of the pumping stations were evaluated. The water consumption was compared with standards which ranged from 16,650 to 21,100 m3 ha−1 depending on the season and the location of the scheme. Half of the analyzed schemes used more water than required. Analysis of the water distribution throughout the season revealed that in general the supply follows the demand. In small-scale schemes however, the fit between supply and demand is often lacking, resulting in crop stress and yield reduction. Furthermore, the study shows that the capacity of half of the pumping stations are under-used as a result of a long stretched saturation period and/or the irrigation of only a small fraction of the total area of the scheme.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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