Free vibration analysis of thin plates using Hermite reproducing kernel Galerkin meshfree method with sub-domain stabilized conforming integration
Tóm tắt
A Hermite reproducing kernel (HRK) Galerkin meshfree formulation is presented for free vibration analysis of thin plates. In the HRK approximation the plate deflection is approximated by the deflection as well as slope nodal variables. The nth order reproducing conditions are imposed simultaneously on both the deflectional and rotational degrees of freedom. The resulting meshfree shape function turns out to have a much smaller necessary support size than its standard reproducing kernel counterpart. Obviously this reduction of minimum support size will accelerate the computation of meshfree shape function. To meet the bending exactness in the static sense and to remain the spatial stability the domain integration for stiffness as well as mass matrix is consistently carried out by using the sub-domain stabilized conforming integration (SSCI). Subsequently the proposed formulation is applied to study the free vibration of various benchmark thin plate problems. Numerical results uniformly reveal that the present method produces favorable solutions compared to those given by the high order Gauss integration (GI)-based Galerkin meshfree formulation. Moreover the effect of sub-domain refinement for the domain integration is also investigated.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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