MR T2-weighted image of subacute cerebral infarct can be isointense to the surrounding brain: MR fogging in cerebral infarct

Asato, R.1, Okumura, R.1,2, Miki, Y.1,3, Konishi, J.1
1Department of Nuclear Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto City, Kyoto, Japan
2Department of Radiology, Kitano Hospital, Osaka, Japan
3Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA

Tóm tắt

Cerebral infarcts initially showing as markedly hyperintense on magnetic resonance (MR)T 2-weighted images decreased in intensity and became nearly isointense to normal brain tissue in subsequent MR studies. This MR fogging was observed in 7 (23%) out of 31 cases of cortical infarct and 4 (20%) out of 20 cases of perforator infarct in the second to sixth weeks of the disease. In all fogging cases, significant contrast enhancement (CE) was seen in the fogging area after intravenous administration of MR contrast agent. The CE study is recommended in MR of cerebral infarct during the subacute and early chronic stage.

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