Stromal striae: a new insight into corneal physiology and mechanics

Scientific Reports - Tập 7 Số 1
Kate Grieve1,2, Djida Ghoubay1,2, Cristina Georgeon1, Gaël Latour3, Amir Nahas4, Karsten Plamann5, Caroline Crotti5, Romain Bocheux4, Marie Borderie1, Thu-Mai Nguyen4, Felipe Andreiuolo1, Marie‐Claire Schanne‐Klein6, Vincent Borderie1,2
1CHNO - Centre Hospitalier National d'Ophtalmologie des Quinze-Vingts (Hôpital National des 15-20 28, rue de Charenton 75571 Paris cedex 12 - France)
2Institut de la Vision (17 Rue Moreau, 75012 Paris - France)
3IMNC (UMR_8165) - Imagerie et Modélisation en Neurobiologie et Cancérologie (Université Paris Sud - Bâtiment 440 15 rue Georges Clémenceau 91405 Orsay Cedex - France - France)
4IL - Institut Langevin - Ondes et Images (UMR7587) (ESPCI, 1 Rue Jussieu 75238 Paris Cedex 05 - France)
5LOA - Laboratoire d'optique appliquée (828, boulevard des Maréchaux 91762 Palaiseau Cedex - France)
6LOB - Laboratoire d'Optique et Biosciences (Ecole Polytechnique 91128 PALAISEAU Cedex - France)

Tóm tắt


We uncover the significance of a previously unappreciated structural feature in corneal stroma, important to its biomechanics. Vogt striae are a known clinical indicator of keratoconus, and consist of dark, vertical lines crossing the corneal depth. However we detected stromal striae in most corneas, not only keratoconus. We observed striae with multiple imaging modalities in 82% of 118 human corneas, with pathology-specific differences. Striae generally depart from anchor points at Descemet’s membrane in the posterior stroma obliquely in a V-shape, whereas in keratoconus, striae depart vertically from posterior toward anterior stroma. Optical coherence tomography shear wave elastography showed discontinuity of rigidity, and second harmonic generation and scanning electron microscopies showed undulation of lamellae at striae locations. Striae visibility decreased beyond physiological pressure and increased beyond physiological hydration. Immunohistology revealed striae to predominantly contain collagen VI, lumican and keratocan. The role of these regions of collagen VI linking sets of lamellae may be to absorb increases in intraocular pressure and external shocks.

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