Tectonic framework of the eastern Alboran and western Algerian Basins, western Mediterranean

Geo-Marine Letters - Tập 12 - Trang 104-110 - 1992
A. Mauffret1, A. Maldonado2, A. C. Campillo2
1Département de Géodynamique, Tectonique et Environnement, URA 718, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris cedex 05, France
2Instituto de Ciencias del Mar (CSIC), Barcelona, Spain

Tóm tắt

Recent progress in the knowledge of the Alboran region subaerial geology and the results of the Garcia del Cid seismic cruises stimulate a reexamination of the tectonic framework of the southwestern part of the Mediterranean. The subaerial geology is governed by a north-south stress field, whereas the marine structures indicate an east-west stress regime. This apparent contradiction results from a difference in age of the tectonics. The main marine extensional features are related to the opening of basins toward the southwest during Burdigalian-Langhian times, while the subaerial structures were developed during a compressional regime from the Tortonian period up to the present.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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