Human eye movement response to z-axis linear acceleration: the effect of varying the phase relationships between visual and vestibular inputs

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 103 - Trang 256-266 - 1995
Corinna E. Lathan1, Conrad Wall2, Laurence R. Harris3
1Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT 37-219, Cambridge, USA
2Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston, USA
3Department of Psychology, York University, Toronto, Canada

Tóm tắt

We investigated the effect of systematically varying the phase relationship between 0.5-Hz sinusoidal z-axis optokinetic (OKN) and linear acceleration stimuli upon the resulting vertical eye movement responses of five humans. Subjects lay supine on a linear sled which accelerated them sinusoidally along their z-axis at 0.4 g peak acceleration (peak velocity 1.25 m/s). A high-contrast, striped z-axis OKN stimulus moving sinusoidally at 0.5 Hz, 70°/s peak velocity was presented either concurrently or with the acceleration stimulus or alone. Subjects' vertical eye movements were recorded using scleral search coils. When stimuli were paired in the naturally occurring relationship (e.g., visual stripes moving upward paired with downward physical acceleration), the response was enhanced over the response to the visual stimulus presented alone. When the stimuli were opposed (e.g., visual stripes moving upward during upward physical acceleration, a combination that does not occur naturally), the response was not significantly different from the response to the visual stimulus presented alone. Enhancement was maximized when the velocities of the visual and motion stimuli were in their normal phase relationship, while the response took intermediate values for other phase relationships. The phase of the response depended upon the phase difference between the two inputs. We suggest that linear self-motion processing looks at agreement between the two stimuli — a sensory conflict model.

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