Rap1 GTPase Regulation of Adherens Junction Positioning and Cell Adhesion
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Cell-cell junctions are distributed evenly around the lateral circumference of cells within an epithelium. We find that the even distribution of adherens junctions is an active process that requires the small guanosine triphosphatase Rap1. Cells mutant for
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Wild-type clones were generated by heat shocking y w P{ry +t7.2 hsFLP}22; P{w hs FRT}2A/P{w + nls-GFP} P{w hs FRT}2A flies and Rap1 clones by heat shocking y w P{ry +t7.2 hsFLP}22; Rap1 P[5709] P{w hs FRT}2A/ P{w + nls-GFP} P{w hs FRT}2A or y w P{ry +t7.2 hsFLP}22; Rap1 B1 P{w hs FRT}2A/ P{w + nls-GFP} P{w hs FRT}2A flies (25 26). Identical results were obtained with two amorphic alleles of Rap1 Rap1 B1 (4) and a P-element inserted into the coding region Rap1 P[5709] (23). For actin staining of pupal wings 30 to 36 hours after puparium formation (APF) (27) we used rhodamine-conjugated phalloidin (Molecular Probes). For antibody stains (27) we used DCAD2 anti–DE-cadherin (28) anti-cno (14) anti-ZO-1 (29) and anti-Dlg (30). All wings were fixed and stained at 30 to 36 hours APF except for wings stained for canoe which were aged 24 hours APF. Images were visualized with a MRC1024 confocal microscope (Bio-Rad).
Supplemental data are available on Science Online at www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/295/5558/1285/DC1.
A. L. Knox N.H. Brown unpublished observations.
The size of groups of dispersed Rap1 mutant cells was counted in 23 clones from 21 different wings aged between 24 and 36 hours APF. The number of dispersed groups of a given size (and fraction of the total 244 groups) was as follows: 13 (5%) single cells; 106 (43%) cell pairs; 20 (8%) 3-cell groups; 56 (23%) 4-cell groups; 8 (3%) 5-cell groups; 16 (7%) 6-cell groups; and 25 (10%) groups of 7 or more cells.
B. Boettner L. VanAelst U. Gaul personal communication
D. Fristrom J. W. Fristrom in The Development of Drosophila melanogaster M. Bate A. Martinez Arias Eds. (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press Cold Spring Harbor NY 1993) vol. 2 pp. 843–896.
Rap1 mutant wing clones expressing α-catenin–GFP (31) were generated by heat shocking y w P{ry +t7.2 hsFLP}22; P{UAS-DαC-GFP#3} {arm-GAL4}/+; Rap1 P[5709] P{w hs FRT}2A/ P{w + nls-GFP} P{w hs FRT}2A flies. 24h APF pupae were dissected from the pupal case and directly mounted in Vectashield (Vector Labs Burlingame CA) then clones were imaged with a MRC1024 confocal microscope (Bio-Rad). Rap1 was tagged with GFP by generating a genomic rescue construct with GP inserted at the NH 2 -terminus of Rap1 (23). Imaginal discs and 2-hour APF wings expressing GFP-Rap1 or α-catenin–GFP were fixed in 4% formaldehyde and mounted in Vectashield. Images were collected with a Radiance 2000 confocal microscope (Bio-Rad).
A. L. Knox N. H. Brown in preparation.
We thank P. Bryant R. Fehon I. Hariharan R. Howes H. Oda S. Luschnig M. Takahisa M. Takeichi and D. Yamamoto for providing antibodies and fly stocks and S. Bray B. Harris D. St Johnston and R. White for critically reading the manuscript. We thank J. Overton for technical assistance and the members of our lab for valuable advice. Supported by a Wellcome Trust Senior Fellowship (N.H.B.) and grants from the Association of Commonwealth Universities the New Zealand Federation of University Women and Trinity College (A.L.K.).