Evaluation of overall line effectiveness (OLE) in a continuous product line manufacturing system

Emerald - Tập 17 Số 7 - Trang 987-1008 - 2006
R.M. Nachiappan1, N. Anantharaman1
1Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, India

Tóm tắt


The total productive maintenance concept provided a quantitative metric – overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), for measuring the effectiveness of individual equipment in a factory, which is significant but insufficient since world class manufacturing (WCM) system focus on product line involving machines in series. This paper aims to present an approach to measure the overall line effectiveness (OLE) in continuous line‐manufacturing system.


Systematic methodology, based on OEE metrics, is developed to model the productivity of a line manufacturing system in terms of OLE. The general and step‐by‐step method of OLE measurement in the line consisting of n number of processes is explained using a flow chart.


Computer simulation has been carried out for the evaluation of OLE in product line manufacturing system with n number of machines. It also identifies the bottle‐neck machines and the effect of specific contributing parameter for improvement.

Practical implications

The result of this research makes it possible to represent the overall product line effectiveness as a benchmark for WCM to compare the performance of the various continuous product line manufacturing‐based industries.


This paper presents a successful and effective evaluation of OLE which will provide a useful guide to aspects of the production process where inefficiencies can be targeted for doing improvements in the product line.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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