Design and evaluation of automated cellular manufacturing systems with simulation modelling and AHP approach: a case study

Emerald - Tập 7 Số 6 - Trang 39-52 - 1996
Felix T.S. Chan1, K. Abhary2
1Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
2School of Engineering, University of South Australia, The Levels, Australia

Tóm tắt

Suggests that many quantitative methods have been developed in an attempt to acknowledge uncertainty in decision making and to manage the inherent risk during economic planning for new technology implementation. Outlines a relatively simple and practical risk analysis, accompanied by the implementation of advanced manufacturing technology. Employs the proven analytical hierarchy process (AHP) approach, coupled with confidence intervals from data gathered through simulation techniques or through observations and empirical sampling. Describes a case study in which simulation models were developed using a software package SIMFACTORY II.5, which is based on the concept of visual interactive simulation. A number of simulation experiments were performed in order to investigate the influence of various flexible manufacturing system and cellular manufacturing system configurations. An AHP multi‐attribute analysis is performed by using AUTOMAN, a decision support software package. This package evaluates and combines the qualitative and quantitative factors for different configuration designs.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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