Foundations for building share of heart in global brands

Emerald - Tập 17 Số 2 - Trang 64-72 - 2008
Dennis A. Pitta1, Frank J. Franzak2
1University of Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
2Marketing Department, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, Virginia, USA

Tóm tắt


This paper seeks to explore the relationship between global brands and the emotional connections between consumers and the brand.


The paper integrates concepts including a range of recently published (1995‐2006) theoretical works in the branding, global branding, and share of heart literature.


The paper provides information and action approaches to marketers to aid them in managing the emotional ties of global brands to specific market segments. The term “global brand” is used extensively in business but its nature and scope are not understood by all. Global brands are few in number and must satisfy several criteria to be considered truly global. This study explores the requirements for global branding as well as the characteristics and advantages of global brands. Brands may be considered in two dimensions based on their acceptance by consumers. One dimension is the brand's deliverable benefits relevant to its target segment. The other is the type and depth of emotional connection between the consumer and the brand. The article reviews the state of global branding and types of emotional connections. It then postulates a series of actions to build share of heart to aid in taking brands global.

Research limitations/implications

The theoretical concepts that form the foundation of the paper appear to have a significant application to consumer marketing but have not been tested empirically.

Practical implications

The paper explores a global phenomenon that has implications for the nature and scope of market segmentation, product design and promotion.


The paper describes the nature and application of emotional connections to particular brands. While most literature has concentrated on local or national brands, the paper provides a perspective that may help to understand how global brands generate emotional ties to consumers.

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