Micrometeorology of temperate and tropical forest

The Royal Society - Tập 324 Số 1223 - Trang 299-334 - 1989
W. James Shuttleworth1
1NERC Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford, OX10 8BB U.K.

Tóm tắt

The literature on the micrometeorology of temperate and tropical forests is reviewed to determine whether structural or species difference between these biomes alters their interaction with the atmosphere. Considerable consistency is found in the value of those whole-canopy features of most importance to this interaction, namely solar- reflection coefficient, through-canopy radiation absorption, aerodynamic roughness, the symptoms of near-surface K -theory failure, the canopy store for rainfall interception and the magnitude and environmental response of their bulk stomatal (surface) resistance. Typical values of these parameters and functions are given with a view to their potential use in climate simulation models. Attention is drawn to the fact that this similar micrometeorological response can generate different time- average surface-energy partitions when interacting with different climates and, in particular, alters between the edge and the middle of continents. This is of considerable significance, implying tropical deforestation is likely to have most effect on river flow (though not climate) at continental edge and island locations. The similar micrometeorological response of forests is interpreted as the necessary consequence of energy and mass (water) conservation acting as an area average on vegetation that is, by definition, dense and extensive, to reconcile a characteristically tall growth habit with a perennial nature.

Từ khóa

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