Therapeutic manipulation of angiogenesis with miR-27b

Publiverse Online S.R.L - Tập 7 Số 1 - 2015
Dorina Veliceasa1,2, Dauren Biyashev3, Gangjian Qin3, Sol Misener4, Alexander R Mackie3, Raj Kishore5, Olga V. Volpert6
1Department of Urology / University of Illinois at Chicago Medical College / Chicago / IL / / USA
2Urology Department / Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine / Chicago / IL / / USA
3Department of Medicine / Cardiology Division, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine / Chicago / IL / / USA
4Department of Radiology Northwestern University Feinberg School of medicine, Chicago, IL, USA
5Department of Pharmacology, Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pa. USA
6Northwestern University / Feinberg Cardiovascular Research Institute / Chicago / IL / / USA

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