Systematic Biases and Culture in Project Failures

Project Management Journal - Tập 39 Số 4 - Trang 5-16 - 2008
Barry Shore1
1Whittemore School of Business and Economics, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA

Tóm tắt

Project success rates have improved, and much of the credit can be given to the knowledge, practices, and standards that have contributed to the professionalization of the field. Unfortunately, too many failures still occur. Because many of them can be traced to management and decision-making practices, it might be useful at this stage to explore a set of systematic biases to determine if understanding them can help diagnose and perhaps even prevent failures from occurring. This article begins with a framework identifying the influences on project outcomes, defines the systematic biases that may derail projects, summarizes eight project failures, uses the framework to diagnose those failures, and concludes by suggesting how organizational and project culture may contribute to these very common and natural biases.

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