A quantitative analysis of the correlations between eye movements and neural activity in the pretectum

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 143 - Trang 373-382 - 2002
M. Missal1, A. Coimbra1,2, P. Lefèvre1,2, E. Olivier1
1Laboratoire de Neurophysiologie, School of Medicine, Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), Brussels, Belgium
2CESAME, Center for Systems Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Université catholique de Louvain (UCL), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

Tóm tắt

The study of the saccadic system has focused mainly on neurons active before the beginning of saccades, in order to determine their contribution in movement planning and execution. However, most oculomotor structures contain also neurons whose activity starts only after the onset of saccades, the maximum of their activity sometimes occurring near saccade end. Their characteristics are still largely unknown. We investigated pretectal neurons with saccade-related activity in the alert cat during eye movements towards a moving target. They emitted a high-frequency burst of action potentials after the onset of saccades, irrespective of their direction, and will be referred to as “pretectal saccade-related neurons”. The delay between saccade onset and cell activity varied from 17 to 66 ms on average. We found that burst parameters were correlated with the parameters of saccades; the peak eye velocity was correlated with the peak of the spike density function, the saccade amplitude with the number of spikes in the burst, and burst duration increased with saccade duration. The activity of six pretectal saccaderelated neurons was studied during smooth pursuit at different velocities. A correlation was found between smooth pursuit velocity and mean firing rate. A minority of these neurons (2/6) were also visually responsive. Their visual activity was proportional to the difference between eye and target velocity during smooth pursuit (retinal slip). These results indicate that the activity of pretectal saccaderelated neurons is correlated with the characteristics of eye movements. This finding is in agreement with the known anatomical projections from premotor regions of the saccadic system to the pretectum.