Development of potassium effects on ion concentrations and indicator spaces in rat brain-cortex slices during postnatal ontogenesis
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Concentrations of potassium, sodium, chloride and protein, spaces of sucrose and inulin, and internal pH (pHi) were determined in brain-cortex slices from 6, 10, 14, 21, 30 and 60 days old rats after 1 hr of incubation in hyperosmotic media containing 5, 15, 20, 25, 35, 45, 55 or 85 mM potassium and the following results were obtained: An increase of the potassium concentration from 25 to 45 mM causes a steep rise in chloride concentration and swelling and a concomitant decrease in protein concentration and inulin space from the 14th day and onwards. Simultaneously, a characteristic segmentation of the curves showing the potassium or sodium concentrations as a function of the external potassium level becomes evident, whereas the curves showing the joint concentrations of the two ions remain rectilinear during the whole ontogenesis. These phenomena develop immediately after an abrupt termination of cell proliferation reflected by the abolishment of the incorporation of radioactive thymidine into DNA between 14 and 17 days. In neonatal rats the increase of the potassium concentration leads to a reduction in pHi and in the dissociation of the proteins but these effects disappear gradually during the first 10 days. It can thus be concluded that the potassium effects on swelling, inulin space and cation concentrations are ontogenetically correlated and may reflect an identical mechanism developing about the 14th day, whereas the potassium effect on pHi is ontogenetically different. The potassium effects on swelling and cation concentrations may reflect an uptake of potassium, chloride and water, and ontogenetic evidence that such an uptake occurs specifically into glial cells is discussed.
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