Effect of commercial starter cultures on free amino acid, biogenic amine and free fatty acid contents in dry-cured foal sausage

LWT - Food Science and Technology - Tập 71 - Trang 47-53 - 2016
Rubén Domínguez1, Paulo E. Munekata2, Rubén Agregán1, José M. Lorenzo1
1Centro Tecnológico de La Carne de Galicia, Rúa Galicia Nº 4, Parque Tecnológico de Galicia, San Cibrao Das Viñas, 32900, Ourense, Spain
2Department of Food Engeneering, Faculty of Animal Science and Food Engeneering, University of São Paulo, 225 Duque de Caxias Norte Ave, Jardim Elite, Postal Code 13.635-900, Pirassununga, São Paulo, Brazil

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