The evolution of an integrated ultrasound curriculum (iUSC) for medical students: 9-year experience

Critical Ultrasound Journal - Tập 7 Số 1 - 2015
Richard Hoppmann1, Victor V. Rao1, Floyd E. Bell1, Mary Beth Poston1, Duncan B. Howe1, Shaun Riffle1, Stephen Harris1, Ruth Riley1, C. E. McMahon1, L. Britt Wilson1, Erika Blanck1, Nancy Richeson1, Lynn Thomas1, Celia Hartman1, Francis H. Neuffer1, Brian D. Keisler1, Kerry M. Sims1, Matthew Garber1, C. Osborne Shuler1, Michael Blaivas1, Shawn Chillag1, Michael Wagner1, Keith Barron1, Danielle R. Davis1, James R. Wells1, Donald J. Kenney1, Jeffrey W. Hall1, Paul Bornemann1, David Schrift1, Patrick Hunt1, William B. Owens1, Ryan Smith1, Allison G. Jackson1, Kelsey Hagon1, Steven P. Wilson1, S Fowler1, James F. Catroppo1, Ali A. Rizvi1, Caroline Powell1, Thomas Cook1, Eric K. Brown1, Fernando A. Navarro1, Joshua T. Thornhill1, Judith Burgis1, William R. Jennings1, James B. McCallum1, James Nottingham1, James Kreiner1, Robert I. Haddad1, James R. Augustine1, Norman W. Pedigo1, Paul V. Catalana1
1Dorothea H. Krebs Endowed Chair of Ultrasound Education, University of South Carolina, School of Medicine, Columbia, USA

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