Predominance of ecophysiological controls on soil CO2 flux in a Minnesota grassland
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Ecosystem studies often study soil CO2 flux as a function of environmental factors, such as temperature, that affect respiration rates by changing the rate of utilization of carbon substrates. These studies tend not to include factors, such as photosynthesis, that affect the supply of carbon substrates to roots and root-associated processes. We examined the role of decreased carbohydrate source on soil CO2 flux and root respiration in an annually-burned grassland through manipulations of light intensity and removal of above ground biomass. We also quantified the contribution of root respiration to soil CO2 flux by measuring the respiration rates of excised roots. Two days of shading caused a 40% reduction in soil CO2 flux, while clipping was associated with a 19% reduction in soil CO2 flux. Both reductions were independent of soil and air temperature at the time of measurement. The relative decrease in soil CO2 flux observed in the clipping experiment was similar in magnitude to an observed decrease in root respiration per gram of root, linking decreased root activity and soil CO2 flux. From these experiments, we conclude that variation in factors that affect carbon availability to roots can be important determinants of soil CO2 flux and should be included explicitly in studies that measure or model soil CO2 flux.
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