Positive solutions of second-order non-local boundary value problem with singularities in space variables

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 2014 - Trang 1-9 - 2014
Mirosława Zima1
1Department of Differential Equations and Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Rzeszów, Rzeszów, Poland

Tóm tắt

We discuss a non-local boundary value problem of second-order, where the involved nonlinearity depends on the derivative and may be singular. The boundary conditions are given by Riemann-Stieltjes integrals. We establish sufficient conditions for the existence of positive solutions of the considered problem. Our approach is based on the Krasnoselskii-Guo fixed point theorem on cone expansion and compression. MSC: 34B10, 34B16, 34B18.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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