Probability-based least square support vector regression metamodeling technique for crashworthiness optimization problems

Computational Mechanics - Tập 47 - Trang 251-263 - 2010
Hu Wang1, Enying Li2, G. Y. Li1
1Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Vehicle Body Design and Manufacture, College of Mechanical and Automobile Engineering, Hunan University, Changsha, People’s Republic of China
2School of Logistics, Central South University of Forestry and Teleology, Changsha, People’s Republic of China

Tóm tắt

This paper presents a crashworthiness design optimization method based on a metamodeling technique. The crashworthiness optimization is a highly nonlinear and large scale problem, which is composed various nonlinearities, such as geometry, material and contact and needs a large number expensive evaluations. In order to obtain a robust approximation efficiently, a probability-based least square support vector regression is suggested to construct metamodels by considering structure risk minimization. Further, to save the computational cost, an intelligent sampling strategy is applied to generate sample points at the stage of design of experiment (DOE). In this paper, a cylinder, a full vehicle frontal collision is involved. The results demonstrate that the proposed metamodel-based optimization is efficient and effective in solving crashworthiness, design optimization problems.

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