Synergistic effects of salinity, temperature and heavy metals on mortality and osmoregulation in marine and estuarine isopods (Crustacea)
Marine Biology - 1975
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The effects of cadmium (3CdSO4·8H2O), zinc (ZnSO4·7H2O) and lead [Pb (NO3)2] on mortality, and cadmium, zinc and mercury (HgCl2) on osmoregulation, have been recorded for marine and estuarine species of isopods (Crustacea). The marine species studied were Idotea baltica, I. neglecta, I. emarginata and Eurydice pulchra, which were adapted to 100, 80, 60 and 40% sea water (SW) (100% SW э 34‰ S). The estuarine species used were Jaera albifrons sensu stricto and J. nordmanni, which were adapted to 100, 50, 10 and 1% SW. Both groups of isopods have low mortalities in 100% SW with 10 and 20 ppm of cadmium, zinc and lead, but a decrease in salinity caused an increase in the toxicities of these metals and reduced the LT50 values (time, in hours, to 50% mortality). Mortalities at 10°C were generally higher than those recorded at 5°C. Cadmium had no significant effect on the osmoregulation of I. baltica and I. emarginata in 100 and 80% SW at 5°C, but this metal significantly lowered the blood osmotic concentration of I. neglecta in 80% SW. Zinc did not alter the haemolymph osmotic concentration of I. neglecta in 100 and 80% SW, but significantly lowered the blood osmotic concentration of I. baltica in 100% SW. Cadmium, zinc and mercury also significantly altered the osmoregulatory ability of J. albifrons in dilute saline.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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