Nucleotide sequence analysis of the termini and chromosomal locus involved in site-specific integration of the streptococcal conjugative transposon Tn5252
Tóm tắt
The 47-kb, broad-host-range, streptococcal conjugative transposon Tn5252 is capable of site-specific integration into the pneumococcal chromosome. We present the nucleotide sequence of the terminal regions of the transposon and its target site in the pneumococcal genome. No inverted repeats were found at the termini of the transposon. A 72-bp region of the target was present on either side following the insertion of Tn5252 and appeared to serve as a signal for its integration and excision. The data suggest that the left copy of the 72-bp segment was a part of the conjugative element, the crossover point of integration was nonrandom within this region, and the mechanism of insertion could resemble that of the site-specific temperate phages.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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