Innovation can accelerate the transition towards a sustainable food system

Nature Food - Tập 1 Số 5 - Trang 266-272
Mario Herrero1, Philip K. Thornton2, Daniel Mason-D’Croz1, Jeda Palmer1, Tim G. Benton3, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky4, Jessica Bogard1, Andy Hall1, Bernice Lee3, Karine Nyborg5, Prajal Pradhan4, Graham D. Bonnett1, Brett A. Bryan6, Bruce M. Campbell7, Svend Christensen7, Michael Clark8, Mathew T. Cook1, I.J.M. de Boer9, Chris Downs1, Kanar Dizyee1, Christian Folberth10, Cécile Godde1, James Gerber11, Mike Grundy1, Peter Havlík10, Andy Jarvis12, Richard King3, Ana María Loboguerrero12, M. A. Lopes10, C. Lynne McIntyre1, Rosamond L. Naylor13, Javier Navarro Garcia1, Michael Obersteiner10, Alejandro Parodi9, Mark B. Peoples1, Ilje Pikaar14, Alexander Popp4, Johan Rockström15, M. J. Robertson1, Pete Smith16, Elke Stehfest17, Stephen M. Swain1, Hugo Valin10, Mark T. van Wijk18, H.H.E. van Zanten9, Sonja J. Vermeulen19, Joost Vervoort20, Paul West11
1Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia
2CGIAR Research Programme on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security, International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya
3The Royal Institute for International Affairs, Chatham House, London, UK
4Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Member of the Leibniz Association, Potsdam, Germany
5Department of Economics, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
6Centre for Integrative Ecology, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Deakin University, Burwood, Victoria, Australia
7Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Fredriksberg, Denmark
8Livestock, Environment and People, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
9Animal Production Systems Group, Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands
10International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria
11Institute on the Environment, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, USA
12CGIAR Research Programme on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security, International Center for Tropical Agriculture, Cali, Colombia
13Center on Food Security and the Environment, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
14The School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Queensland, Australia
15Institute of Environmental Science and Geography, Universität Potsdam, Campus Golm, Potsdam-Golm, Germany
16Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK
17PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, The Hague, Netherlands
18International Livestock Research Institute, Sustainable Livestock Systems, Nairobi, Kenya
19CGIAR System Management Organisation, Montpellier, France
20Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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