Origin of etch delay time in Cl2 dry etching of AlGaN/GaN structures

Applied Physics Letters - Tập 83 Số 23 - Trang 4779-4781 - 2003
D. Buttari1, Alessandro Chini1, Tomás Palacios1, R. Coffie1, Lingyan Shen1, Huili Grace Xing1, S. Heikman1, L. McCarthy1, A. Chakraborty1, S. Keller1, U. K. Mishra1
1Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106

Tóm tắt

The etch delay time commonly found during dry etching of AlGaN and GaN has been experimentally proven to be due to the presence of hard–to–etch surface oxides. A BCl3 deoxidizing plasma, followed by a Cl2 etching plasma, was found to give dead-time-free aluminum-mole-fraction-independent etch rates. No selectivity between GaN and AlGaN has been observed up to an aluminum mole fraction of 35%. The aluminum-mole-fraction-dependent etch rates commonly reported in literature have been related to the different dead-times associated with dissimilar surface oxides, disproving the more common explanations in terms of the higher binding energy of AlN compared to GaN and/or the lower volatility of AlClx compared to GaClx.

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