Cellular solids with tunable positive or negative thermal expansion of unbounded magnitude

Applied Physics Letters - Tập 90 Số 22 - 2007
Roderic S. Lakes1
1University of Wisconsin-Madison Engineering Mechanics Program, Department of Engineering Physics, ; Materials Science Program, Biomedical Engineering Department, ; and Rheology Research Center, Biomedical Engineering Department, , 541 Engineering Research Building, 1500 Engineering Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53706-1687

Tóm tắt

Material microstructures are presented with a coefficient of thermal expansion larger in magnitude than that of either constituent. Thermal expansion can be large positive, zero, or large negative. Three-dimensional lattices with void space exceed two-phase bounds but obey three-phase bounds; lattices and normal materials have a trend of expansion decreasing with modulus. Two-phase composites with a negative stiffness phase exceed bounds that assume positive strain energy density. The author determined Young’s modulus and its relation to thermal expansion. Behavior of these composites is compared with that of homogeneous solids in expansion-modulus maps.

Từ khóa

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