Numerical issues in modelling macrosegregation during DC casting of a multi‐component aluminium alloy

Emerald - 2009
Q. Du1, D.G. Eskin1, L. Katgerman2
1Netherlands Institute for Metals Research, Delft, The Netherlands;
2Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

Tóm tắt


The purpose of this paper is to investigate the ways to diminish or eliminate numerical diffusion and dispersion. Numerical dispersion and diffusion are present in the predicted macrosegregation profiles reported in the literature and they hinder the interpretation of the simulation results. With the motivation to eliminate these numerical problems by employing appropriate meshes, simulations of macrosegregation in a billet direct‐chill cast from a multi‐component aluminium alloy has been performed.


First the idea that numerical dispersion could be alleviated by refining the structured mesh size is tested and the extent of this mesh refining to overcome these numerical problems is discussed. Second the link of numerical dispersion and diffusion to the type of mesh used is investigated.


Unstructured mesh eliminates the numerical dispersion present in the structured mesh while it introduces the numerical diffusion. It is concluded by performing calculations with the same settings but different meshes that, although refining the structured mesh could alleviate the numerical oscillation, it increases the computation time dramatically. Therefore the best solution to overcome these numerical problems is the employment of a hybrid mesh consisting of both structured and unstructured mesh.


This work reveals the reasons behind the numerical dispersion and diffusion in macrosegregation modelling and gives a practical solution.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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