The building blocks of writing: Learning to write letters and spell words

Reading and Writing - Tập 21 - Trang 27-47 - 2007
Kristen D. Ritchey1
1School of Education Willard Hall, University of Delaware, Newark, USA

Tóm tắt

This study examined the development of beginning writing skills in kindergarten and the relationship between early writing skills and early reading skills. Sixty children were assessed on beginning writing skills (including letter writing, individual sound spelling, and real and nonsense word spelling) and beginning reading skills (including letter name and letter sound knowledge, global early reading ability, phonological awareness, and word reading). Children’s beginning writing abilities are described, and they exhibited a range of proficiency in their ability to write letters, spell sounds, and spell real and nonsense words. Global early reading proficiency, phonological awareness, and/or letter sound fluency predicted letter writing, sound spelling, and spelling of real and nonsense words.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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