A numerical study of three-dimensional turbulent channel flow at large Reynolds numbers

Journal of Fluid Mechanics - Tập 41 Số 2 - Trang 453-480 - 1970
J. W. Deardorff1
1National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado 80302*

Tóm tắt

The three-dimensional, primitive equations of motion have been integrated numerically in time for the case of turbulent, plane Poiseuille flow at very large Reynolds numbers. A total of 6720 uniform grid intervals were used, with sub-grid scale effects simulated with eddy coefficients proportional to the local velocity deformation. The agreement of calculated statistics against those measured by Laufer ranges from good to marginal. The eddy shapes are examined, and only theu-component, longitudinal eddies are found to be elongated in the downstream direction. However, the lateralveddies have distinct downstream tilts. The turbulence energy balance is examined, including the separate effects of vertical diffusion of pressure and local kinetic energy.

It is concluded that the numerical approach to the problem of turbulence at large Reynolds numbers is already profitable, with increased accuracy to be expected with modest increase of numerical resolution.

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