Total knee arthroplasty at 15–17 years: Does implant design affect outcome?
Tóm tắt
A study was conducted to compare minimum 15-year survivorship and outcome of the Genesis I and II implants for total knee arthroplasty (TKA). We retrospectively reviewed 245 consecutive TKA implanted between January 1995 and October 1997. Genesis I was implanted in 156 knees and Genesis II in 89 knees. At 15–17 years, 75 patients (31 %) had died, 28 patients (11 %) were lost to follow-up and 11 TKA were revised (4.6 %), including ten Genesis I (6.4 %) and one Genesis II (1.1 %); 131 TKA (53 %) were available for follow-up. Cumulative survivorship was 92.4 % at 15.7 years. Survival in patients <69 years at surgery was lower (88.0 %) compared with patients ≥69 years (98.5 %; p = 0.023). In patients <69 years, Genesis I survival (84.3 %) was worse compared with Genesis II (97.1 %) (p = 0.018). Polyethylene (PE) Insert thickness ≤11 mm had significantly better survivorship (97.1 %) compared with PE >11 mm (56.7 %) (p < 0.0001) At a minimum of 15 years, the overall (92.4 %) survivorship of Genesis TKA was good, with excellent (98.1 %) survivorship of the Genesis II design. Revision rates were higher with Genesis I in the younger age group and with insert thickness >11 mm, possibly due to longer shelf life of less frequently used sizes.
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