Boundary shape function method for nonlinear BVP, automatically satisfying prescribed multipoint boundary conditions
Tóm tắt
It is difficult to exactly and automatically satisfy nonseparable multipoint boundary conditions by numerical methods. With this in mind, we develop a novel algorithm to find solution for a second-order nonlinear boundary value problem (BVP), which automatically satisfies the multipoint boundary conditions prescribed. A novel concept of boundary shape function (BSF) is introduced, whose existence is proven, and it can satisfy the multipoint boundary conditions a priori. In the BSF, there exists a free function, from which we can develop an iterative algorithm by letting the BSF be the solution of the BVP and the free function be another variable. Hence, the multipoint nonlinear BVP is properly transformed to an initial value problem for the new variable, whose initial conditions are given arbitrarily. The BSF method (BSFM) can find very accurate solution through a few iterations.
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