Spatial Ion Peak Compression and its Utility in Ion Mobility Spectrometry

American Chemical Society (ACS) - Tập 27 - Trang 1128-1135 - 2016
Sandilya V. B. Garimella1, Yehia M. Ibrahim1, Keqi Tang1, Ian K. Webb1, Erin S. Baker1, Aleksey V. Tolmachev1, Tsung-Chi Chen1, Gordon A. Anderson1, Richard D. Smith1
1Biological Sciences Division, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, USA

Tóm tắt

A novel concept for ion spatial peak compression is described, and discussed primarily in the context of ion mobility spectrometry (IMS). Using theoretical and numerical methods, the effects of using non-constant (e.g., linearly varying) electric fields on ion distributions (e.g., an ion mobility peak) is evaluated both in the physical and temporal domains. The application of a linearly decreasing electric field in conjunction with conventional drift field arrangements is shown to lead to a reduction in IMS physical peak width. When multiple ion packets (i.e., peaks) in a selected mobility window are simultaneously subjected to such fields, there is ion packet compression (i.e., a reduction in peak widths for all species). This peak compression occurs with only a modest reduction of resolution, which can be quickly recovered as ions drift in a constant field after the compression event. Compression also yields a significant increase in peak intensities. Ion mobility peak compression can be particularly useful for mitigating diffusion-driven peak broadening over very long path length separations (e.g., in cyclic multi-pass arrangements), and for achieving higher S/N and IMS resolution over a selected mobility range.

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