Neurological complications of radiotherapy and chemotherapy

Deutsche Zeitschrift für Nervenheilkunde - Tập 245 - Trang 695-708 - 1998
Florence Keime-Guibert1, Massimo Napolitano1, J.-Y. Delattre1
1Service de Neurologie, Hôpital de la Salpetrière, 47, boulevard de I’Hôpital, F-75 651 Paris Cedex 13, France Tel.: +33-1-42-16-03-85 Fax: +33-1-42-16-04-18, , FR

Tóm tắt

Neurological complications of radiotherapy and chemotherapy can affect the central or peripheral nervous system. Most are dose-dependent and constitute a limiting factor in the administration of treatments. Radiation-induced neurological complications are classified as acute, early-delayed or delayed. The most important are radionecrosis and cognitive dysfunction/leukoencephalopathy. Neurotoxicity of chemotherapy is frequent and depends upon dose, type of drugs (especially cisplatin and methotrexate) and their combination with radiotherapy.