Fresnel volumes corresponding to PKP waves in the IASP91 model

Journal of Seismology - Tập 3 - Trang 375-391 - 1999
Michal Kvasnička1, Jaromír Janský1
1Department of Geophysics, Charles University, Praha, Czech Republic, e-mail

Tóm tắt

Fresnel volumes provide a suitable tool for estimating the resolution limits or accuracy of tomographic methods based only on the arrival times of these seismic waves, which penetrate the deep interior of the Earth. The standard definition of the Fresnel volume was modified to include effects of multipathing, i.e., multivalued travel times. Computations were performed in the IASP91 model for three representative epicentral distances and two prevailing signal periods. Preliminary results have been obtained. They place a rather strong restriction on the resolution limits of tomographic methods, depending on the prevailing period, due to the relatively large fatness of PKP Fresnel volumes.

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