GaN-based vertical-cavity surface emitting lasers with sub-milliamp threshold and small divergence angle

Applied Physics Letters - Tập 109 Số 24 - 2016
Pinghui S. Yeh1, Chia‐Chan Chang1, Y.T. Chen1, Da-Wei Lin2, Jung-Shan Liou1, Ching-Chou Wu2, Jian-hua He2, Hao‐Chung Kuo2
1National Taiwan University of Science and Technology 1 Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering and Graduate Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering, , Taipei 106, Taiwan
2National Chiao Tung University 2 Department of Photonics and the Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering, , Hsinchu 300, Taiwan

Tóm tắt

A GaN-based vertical-cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) structure featuring a silicon-diffusion-defined current blocking layer for lateral confinement is described. Sub-milliamp threshold currents were achieved for both 3- and 5-μm-aperture VCSELs under continuous-wave operation at room temperature. The vertical cavity was defined by a top dielectric distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) and a bottom epitaxial DBR. The emission spectrum exhibited a single peak at 411.2 nm with a linewidth of 0.4 nm and a side mode suppression ratio of more than 10 dB before device packaging. The full-width-at-half-maximum divergence angle of the 3-μm-aperture VCSEL was as small as approximately 5° which is the lowest number reported. These results implied the 3-μm-aperture VCSEL was in near single-mode operation.

Từ khóa

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See for more information about beam divergence (last accessed August 15, 2016).