Damage modelling of adhesively bonded joints
Tóm tắt
A cohesive zone model (CZM) has been used in conjunction with both elastic and elasto– plastic continuum behaviour to predict the response of a mixed mode flexure and three different lap shear joints, all manufactured with the same adhesive. It was found that, for a specific dissipated CZM energy (Γ0) there was a range of CZM tripping tractions (σu) that gave a fairly constant failure load. A value of σu below this range gave rise to global damage throughout the bonded region before any crack propagation initiated. A value above this range gave rise to a discontinuous process zone, which resulted in failure loads that were strongly dependent on σu. A discontinuous process zone gives rise to mesh dependent results. The CZM parameters used in the predictions were determined from the experimental fracture mechanics specimen test data. When damage initiated, a deviation from the linear load–displacement curve was observed. The value for σ uwas determined by identifying the magnitude that gave rise to the experimentally observed deviation. The CZM energy (Γ 0) was then obtained by correlating the simulated load-crack length response with corresponding experimental data. The R-curve behaviour seen with increasing crack length was successfully simulated when adhesive plasticity was included in the constitutive model of the adhesive layer. This was also seen to enhance the prediction of the lap shear specimens. Excellent correlation was found between the experimental and predicted joint strengths.
Tài liệu tham khảo
ABAQUS 6.3/Standard User’s Manual 24.2.9. Hibitt, Karlsson & Sorensen Inc.
ABAQUS 6.3/Explicit User’s Manual 16.2.1. Hibitt, & Sorensen Inc.
ABAQUS 6.3 Standard User’s Manual 11.3.1. Hibitt, Karlsson & Sorensen Inc.
ABAQUS 6.3/Explicit User’s Manual 10.3.1. Hibitt, & Sorensen Inc.
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