Spatial properties of neurones in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the pigmented ferret

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 68 - Trang 28-36 - 1987
D. J. Price1, J. E. Morgan1
1University Laboratory of Physiology, Oxford, UK

Tóm tắt

We used quantitative electrophysiological techniques to study the spatial properties of single units recorded extracellularly in the lateral geniculate and perigeniculate nuclei of the adult pigmented ferret. All neurones examined had approximately circular receptive fields, whose central regions gave responses antagonistic to those elicited from the surrounds. We presented sinusoidally modulated grating patterns, either drifting or counterphased, to obtain spatial frequency tuning curves, contrast sensitivity functions and to assess linearity or non-linearity of each neurone's response. In the ferret, as in other species, two types of lateral geniculate neurone could be distinguished, and we have termed these X-cells and Y-cells; both groups responded briskly to visual stimulation but X-cells gave sustained and linear responses whereas Y-cells responded transiently and non-linearly. Perigeniculate cells gave linear responses. For neurones in the lateral geniculate and perigeniculate nuclei, both the limit of spatial resolution (‘acuity’) and optimum spatial frequency were inversely related to receptive field eccentricity and the diameter of the receptive field centre. We recorded geniculate neurones in the ferret with acuities up to 3 cycles deg-1 and contrast sensitivities up to 114, values that are lower than those found previously for many geniculate cells in the cat.

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