On the evaluation of the J-integral by a plastic crack tip element
Tóm tắt
Two crack tip elements are formulated for a stationary, mode I plastic crack in planar structures using hybrid assumed stress approach, based on the secant modulus and the Newton-Raphson schemes, respectively. The stress distribution in the crack tip element is assumed to be the HRR field superimposed by the regular polynomial terms. The formulated (hybrid) crack tip elements are compatible with the isoparametric element so that they can be used conveniently along with the conventional displacement-based finite elements. The intensity of the HRR stress field, the J-integral, is determined directly from the finite element equations together with the nodal displacements. The dominance of the HRR stress field at the crack tip is pertinent to the present approach, which depends on geometry and loading conditions. Since the J-integral is globally path-independent for nonlinear elastic materials (deformation plasticity model), in order to assess the accuracy and efficiency of the methodology as compared to the contour integration approach, numerical studies of common plane-stress cracked configurations are performed for these materials. The results indicate that for a sufficiently small crack tip element size, J from the present approach correlates well, within 6 percent difference, with that from the contour integration for a wide range of material hardening coefficients if the HRR zone exists at the crack tip. These highly accurate results for J from the crack tip stresses could not be achieved without using (newly) modified variational principles and a refined numerical technique. It should be emphasized that the present methodology also can be applied to cracks in J
2 flow materials under HRR dominance. In such case, the J integral may not be globally path independent, and hence it now must be determined from the stress and strain fields near the crack tip.
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