Post‐stroke depression, executive dysfunction and functional outcome
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The early diagnosis of vascular cognitive impairment has been challenged and executive control function has been suggested to be a rational basis for the diagnosis of vascular dementia. We sought to examine the correlates of executive dysfunction in a well‐defined stroke cohort. A group of 256 patients from a consecutive cohort of 486 patients with ischaemic stroke, aged 55–85 years, was subjected to a comprehensive neuropsychological examination 3–4 months after ischaemic stroke and 188 of them in addition to detailed psychiatric examination. Basic and complex activities of daily living (ADLs) (bADLs and cADLs) post‐stroke were assessed. The DSM‐III‐R criteria were used for the diagnosis of the depressive disorders. Altogether 40.6% (
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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