Use of molecular markers in breeding for soluble solids content in tomato — a re-examination
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Through earlier breeding efforts, portions of the genome of the wild species Lycopersicon chmielewskii have been introgressed into the cultivated tomato (Rick 1974). These introgressed chromosomal segments have been reported to increase soluble solids in fruit of certain tomato varieties (Rick 1974). Recently, two of the introgressed segments have been identified with RFLP markers and tested for effects on soluble solids in a single F2 population (Osborn et al. 1987). Based on results from that experiment, it was determined that one of the detected segments contains gene(s) controlling soluble solids and concluded that tomato varieties could be improved for this character by indirect selection for the linked RFLP marker (Osborn et al. 1987). In this report, we have independently tested the association between RFLP and isozyme markers and genes controlling soluble solids and other characters in the above described material. These experiments differ from the previous ones in that a set of 132 molecular markers (isozymes and DNA clones) of known chromosomal position have been used. Three introgressed chromosomal segments from L. chmielewskii have been identified using these markers. They map to the middle and the end of chromosome 7 (> 40 cM apart) and to the end of chromosome 10. The effects of these segments on soluble solids and other horticultural characters were tested in crosses with three different cultivars over a period of two years. Two of the three segments were found to increase soluble solids, however the effect of one of these was dependent on genetic background. Both segments were found to be associated with deleterious characters including increase in fruit pH, lower yield and small fruit. These results confirm the utility of molecular markers for detecting genes underlying quantitative variation but demonstrate the danger in establishing breeding programs around such linkages until the effects of the quantitative genes have been tested in a variety of genetic backgrounds and for associated effects on other characters of agronomic importance.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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