Zeitschrift für Kinderheilkunde

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Oestrogen treatment of constitutionally tall girls with 0.1 mg/day ethinyl oestradiol
Zeitschrift für Kinderheilkunde - Tập 147 - Trang 59-63 - 1988
O. Bartsch, B. Weschke, B. Weber
For the treatment of tall stature in girls, oestrogens are usually given in high doses. In this study, growth data of 35 constitutionally tall girls treated with only 0.1 mg/day ethinyl oestradiol (EE) are reported (Group 1). The data were compared with those of 23 untreated girls with comparable bone ages and growth potential (Group 2), and with those of 5 girls treated with 0.3 mg/day EE (Group 3). All groups were followed until cessation of growth. In group 1, the median bone age at the onset of treatment was 12.50 years (Greulich-Pyle, range 10.50–13.75), and the median height prediction was calculated to be 184.4 cm (Bayley-Pinneau, range 179.5–191.5). Following oestrogen treatment of 21 months duration (range 10–37) the median adult height was reduced by 4.3 cm (range 0.0–9.0), or 3.9 cm if corrected for the error of prediction in the control group. The effect was greater in those girls with bone ages below 12.5 years at the onset of treatment (6.7 cm/corrected value 7.4 cm) than in the older girls (4.2 cm/3.6 cm). In Group 2 (controls) the median final adult height was over-estimated by 0.4 cm (range-4.9 to 4.9), but was under-estimated by 0.7 cm in those girls with bone ages below 12.5 years. In girls of comparable bone age similar reductions were obtained whether 0.3 mg/day EE (Group 3) or 0.1 mg/day was given (4.4 vs. 4.2 cm). A comparison of these results with published data indicates that higher EE doses (0.3–0.5 mg/day) have only little, if any, greater effect on the growth of girls than the dosage of 0.1 mg/day EE used in this study.
Neonatal complications of extreme prematurity in mechanically ventilated infants
Zeitschrift für Kinderheilkunde - Tập 151 - Trang 693-696 - 1992
V. Chan, A. Greenough, H. R. Gamsu
Previous data have suggested that neonatal complications amongst preterm ventilated infants increase with decreasing gestational age and thus are likely to be greatest among ventilated infants of less than 28 weeks gestational age. The aim of this study was to test that hypothesis, thus we report the neonatal complications of 175 extremely preterm mechanically ventilated infants (gestational age ≤28 weeks). Of the infants 152 were ventilated because of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) or respiratory distress of severe prematurity, 41% of these infants died. Amongst infants with RDS or respiratory distress of extreme prematurity, mortality was significantly increased in infants of gestational age ≤24 weeks and birth weight ≤1000 g. In this group 20% developed a pneumothorax, and mortality was inversely related to gestational age. In infants with RDS, 43% developed a periventricular haemorrhage and 37% were still oxygen-dependent at 28 days of age; neither of these complications was significantly related to birth weight or gestational age. Of infants with RDS 38% developed a patent ductus arteriosus and 16% developed retinopathy of prematurity. These data suggest that even amongst very immature infants there has been an impressive reduction in the neonatal complications of mechanical ventilation.
Asymptomatic urinary tract infection in childhood
Zeitschrift für Kinderheilkunde - Tập 151 - Trang 308-309 - 1992
I. Nebigil, N. Tümer
In this study 2591 apparently healthy children aged 1 day–16 years were examined to determine the existence of asymptomatic urinary tract infection. A prevalence of 4% in newborns, 5.2% in infants, 5.8% in preschool children, 4.5% in elementary school children, and of 4.8% in high-school children was found.
Über den Einfluß von Cystinfütterung auf Gewebs-Aminosäuren und α-Aminostickstoff im Nierenblut
Zeitschrift für Kinderheilkunde - Tập 81 - Trang 26-35 - 1958
Uwe Stave
Die freien Gewebsaminosäuren in Nierenrinde und Leber wurden papierchromatographisch bei gesunden Kaninchen und solchen. Tieren untersucht, die durch Cystinfütterung eine tubuläre Insuffizienz erlitten. Nach Cystinfütterung wurde eine Abnahme der neutralen Aminosäuren registriert, wenn gleichzeitig ein nephrotoxischer Effekt in Erscheinung trat. Diese Veränderungen waren in der Niere stärker ausgeprägt als in der Leber und konnten durch Bestimmung des α-Amino-N in der Nierenrinde bestätigt werden. Nach Ausbildung einer tubulären Insuffizienz wurde in der Nierenvene ein geringerer Gehalt an α-Amino-N gefunden als in der Aorta. Bei gesunden Kaninchen dagegen besteht ein umgekehrtes Verhältnis dieser Werte. Die Serumeiweißfraktionen wurden nach Cystinfütterung nur dann geringfügig beeinflußt, wenn eine stärkere Nierenschädigung auftrat. Diese Befunde lassen erkennen, daß bei Cystinüberladung des Stoffwechsels die nephrotoxische Wirkung im Vordergrund steht. Extrarenale Störungen des Proteinmetabolismus treten erst sekundär in Erscheinung.
Untersuchungen über den Glykogengehalt der Leber
Zeitschrift für Kinderheilkunde - Tập 45 - Trang 441-442 - 1928
S. Rosenbaum
Autistic disorder in Sotos syndrome: A case report
Zeitschrift für Kinderheilkunde - Tập 149 - Trang 567-569 - 1990
J. D. Morrow, B. Y. Whitman, P. J. Accardo
A case study of a child with Sotos syndrome, normal intelligence, and autistic disorder is presented. Initial descriptions of Sotos syndrome included severe to mild mental retardation. More recent studies indicate language and learning disabilities with normal intelligence. Our patient met criteria for a diagnosis of autistic disorder. Sotos syndrome is another genetic and neurodevelopmental syndrome that can be associated with autistic as well as communication and language disorders.
Identification and validation of a novel four-gene diagnostic model for neonatal early-onset sepsis with bacterial infection
Zeitschrift für Kinderheilkunde - Tập 182 - Trang 977-985 - 2022
Yong Bai, Na Zhao, Zhenhua Zhang, Yangjie Jia, Genhao Zhang, Geng Dong
Neonatal early-onset sepsis (EOS) has unfortunately been the third leading cause of neonatal death worldwide. The current study is aimed at discovering reliable biomarkers for the diagnosis of neonatal EOS through transcriptomic analysis of publicly available datasets. Whole blood mRNA expression profiling of neonatal EOS patients in the GSE25504 dataset was downloaded and analyzed. The binomial LASSO model was constructed to select genes that most accurately predicted neonatal EOS. Then, ROC curves were generated to assess the performance of the predictive features in differentiating between neonatal EOS and normal infants. Finally, the miRNA-mRNA network was established to explore the potential biological mechanisms of genes within the model. Four genes (CST7, CD3G, CD247, and ANKRD22) were identified that most accurately predicted neonatal EOS and were subsequently used to construct a diagnostic model. ROC analysis revealed that this diagnostic model performed well in differentiating between neonatal EOS and normal infants in both the GSE25504 dataset and our clinical cohort. Finally, the miRNA-mRNA network consisting of the four genes and potential target miRNAs was constructed. Through bioinformatics analysis, a diagnostic four-gene model that can accurately distinguish neonatal EOS in newborns with bacterial infection was constructed, which can be used as an auxiliary test for diagnosing neonatal EOS with bacterial infection in the future. Conclusion: In the current study, we analyzed gene expression profiles of neonatal EOS patients from public databases to develop a genetic model for predicting sepsis, which could provide insight into early molecular changes and biological mechanisms of neonatal EOS.
Zur Methodik von Calciumstoffwechseluntersuchungen bei jungen Säuglingen
Zeitschrift für Kinderheilkunde - Tập 81 - Trang 529-549 - 1958
W. Häusgen
An asthma-related quality of life instrument is unable to identify asthmatic children with major psychosocial problems
Zeitschrift für Kinderheilkunde - Tập 169 - Trang 1495-1501 - 2010
Marijke Tibosch, Carla Reidsma, Anneke Landstra, Cindy Hugen, Peter Gerrits, Marianne Brouwer, René van Gent, Peter Merkus, Christianne Verhaak
Evidence shows that psychosocial problems among children and adolescents with asthma interfere with adherence to treatment and therefore need attention in asthma care. It is unknown whether the already frequently implemented asthma-related quality of life (QoL) instruments reflect psychosocial problems in children with asthma. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between asthma-related QoL and psychosocial problems and to determine whether an asthma-related QoL instrument is able to identify those children and adolescents with asthma with major psychosocial problems. In a multicenter study psychosocial problems (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire) and asthma-related QoL (Pediatric Asthma (Caregivers) Quality of Life Questionnaire) were obtained in children and adolescents with asthma aged 6–16 years and their caregivers. A total of 339 children and adolescents (response rate 95%) from four pediatric outpatient clinics in the Netherlands with doctor-diagnosed asthma participated. Of the caregivers, 43% reported major or minor psychosocial problems of their child or adolescent which is two times more than in the reference group, whereas the percentage of adolescents reporting psychosocial problems was comparable to a reference population. Adolescents and caregivers reported few impairments in asthma-related QoL (median score between 6.2 and 7.0). However, an optimal asthma-related QoL did not rule out major psychosocial problems: 10% of the adolescents with an optimal asthma-related QoL score reported major psychosocial problems. And in one out of seven children with an optimal caregiver’s asthma-related QoL score, major psychosocial problems were reported. The prevalence of psychosocial problems in children and adolescents with asthma is considerable. Assessment of asthma-related QoL alone is insufficient to identify those children with major psychosocial problems. We recommend the implementation of psychosocial screening, besides assessment of asthma-related QoL, in routine pediatric asthma care, to improve asthma management.
Prospective population-based study of viral lower respiratory tract infections in children under 3 years of age (the PRI.DE study)
Zeitschrift für Kinderheilkunde - Tập 163 - Trang 709-716 - 2004
Johannes Forster, Gabriele Ihorst, Christian H. L. Rieger, Volker Stephan, Hans-Dieter Frank, Heidrun Gurth, Reinhard Berner, Angela Rohwedder, Hermann Werchau, Martin Schumacher, Theodore Tsai, Gudula Petersen
Population-based incidence data from Europe on the disease burden of lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI) due to respiratory syncytial viruses (RSV), parainfluenza viruses (PIV) and influenzaviruses (IV) are lacking, especially with respect to the disease burden. In a 2-year prospective multicentre study of children aged <3 years in Germany, we registered population-based cases as outpatients (n=2386), inpatients (n=2924), and nosocomially-acquired (n=141). Nasopharyngeal secretions were tested for viral RNA. The annual incidence for physician visits per 100 children for all LRTI was 28.7, RSV 7.7, PIV 3.8 and IV 1.1. Annual hospitalisation rates per 105 children were for all LRTI 2941, RSV 1117, PIV 261 and IV 123. Annual nosocomial cases per 105 hospital days were for all LRTI 79, RSV 29, PIV 9 and IV 1.5. All five children (0.27%) who died had an underlying disease and four were nosocomially acquired. Conclusion: Hospitalisation rates due to lower respiratory tract infections in healthy children were similar to those reported elsewhere; the rates for outpatient visits were approximately ten times higher.
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