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Impaired Recall and the Memory Disturbance in Presenile Dementia
Wiley - Tập 14 Số 1 - Trang 73-79 - 1975
Although subjects with presenile dementia have a very poor ability to retrieve material previously presented for learning under conditions of free recall and the usual type of recognition test, their performance was found to be not significantly different from normal controls when the initial letters of the correct words were provided at the time of recall. This finding raises the possibility that the long‐term memory failure in presenile dementia may not be due to an inability to establish new material in the long‐term store, as had previously been thought, but to a difficulty in retrieving that information.
Psychoticism and thinking
Wiley - Tập 16 Số 3 - Trang 241-248 - 1977
Erik Woody, Gordon Claridge
In view of evidence linking psychosis with high creative ability, an attempt was made to evaluate the relationship between thinking abilities and personality traits. Tests of divergent thinking and convergent thinking were administered, along with the Eysencks' Personality Questionnaire, to 100 university students. The hypothesis that ‘psychoticism’ is related to divergent thinking was strongly confirmed. The hypothesis that psychoticism would be related inversely to speed in a convergent‐thinking task was rejected. No evidence was found for any relationship between extraversion‐introversion or neuroticism‐stability and either thinking style.
Attention and Information Processing in Schizophrenia
Wiley - Tập 15 Số 2 - Trang 199-209 - 1976
Anthony S. David
The performance of 20 acute schizophrenics and 10 depressives, matched for age, verbal intelligence and pre‐morbid functioning, was assessed on a choice reaction‐time card‐sorting task. Stimulus and response uncertainty were varied independently, and there were two main conditions, distraction and no distraction. The schizophrenics were slower than the depressives over all the functions examined in the study. Schizophrenics were significantly more affected by increases in response uncertainty than the depressives. Although there was a tendency for the schizophrenic group to be more affected by distraction and by increasing stimulus uncertainty, these differences were not significant. There was no significant interaction between the effects of stimulus and response uncertainty, nor between the effects of distraction and stimulus uncertainty. The effects of distraction increased with increasing response uncertainty. The results are discussed in relation to two models of information processing, suggested by Broadbent (1971) and by Sternberg (1969). Such models allow a more detailed examination of the cognitive abnormalities found in schizophrenia.
Development of a Rating Scale for Primary Depressive Illness
Wiley - Tập 6 Số 4 - Trang 278-296 - 1967
Max Hamilton
This is an account of further work on a rating scale for depressive states, including a detailed discussion on the general problems of comparing successive samples from a ‘population’, the meaning of factor scores, and the other results obtained. The intercorrelation matrix of the items of the scale has been factor‐analysed by the method of principal components, which were then given a Varimax rotation. Weights are given for calculating factor scores, both for rotated as well as unrotated factors. The data for 152 men and 120 women having been kept separate, it is possible to compare the two sets of results. The method of using the rating scale is described in detail in relation to the individual items.
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