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In vitro antiviral activities of ethanol and aqueous extracts of Vietnamese traditional medicinal plants against Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus: a coronavirus family member
VirusDisease - Tập 32 - Trang 797-803 - 2021
Thi Bich Ngoc Trinh, Diep Hong Le, Thanh Thi Kim Nguyen, Van Tam Nguyen, Minh Hong Nguyen, Marc Muller, Hai The Pham, Van Phan Le, Thao Kim Nu Nguyen
Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) causes diarrhea in pigs leading to severe illnesses and high mortality rates. The development of medicinal agents to treat PEDV infection is therefore crucial. In this study, antiviral activities against PEDV of ethanol and aqueous extracts of 17 Vietnamese traditional medicinal plants were evaluated using the cytopathic effect-based assay. The results showed that 14 out of 17 medicinal plants could inhibit the cytopathic effect of PEDV. The ethanol extract of Stixis scandens was identified as the most active extract with its MIC (minimum inhibitory concentration) being 0.15 μg/mL. Other plant extracts also displayed strong antiviral activity against PEDV, including Anisomeles indica, Pericampylus glaucus and Croton kongensis. The results demonstrate that certain medicinal plants have a high antiviral potential and may serve as a lead to develop novel pharmaceutical agents to cure PED as well as the diseases caused by other coronaviruses.
Cross-sectional sero-prevalence study of Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR) in goats of Syangja and Kaski districts of Nepal
VirusDisease - Tập 29 - Trang 173-179 - 2018
Narayan Acharya, Shankar Prasad Poudel, Krishna Prasad Acharya
A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine sero-prevalence of Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR) among goat population of outbreak suspected areas; Kaski and Syangja districts of Nepal. A total of 460 goat serum samples were tested by using c-ELISA for the presence of antibodies against PPR. Out of the 460 samples tested, 380 samples were found positive, giving overall sero-positivity of 82.60%. Significantly higher sero-prevalence was found (*P < 0.05) in females (87.50%) compared to males (70.45%) and crossbreed goats were found highly susceptible than the pure breed goats (*P < 0.05). Likewise, higher sero-prevalence of PPR was observed in adults and cross breed goats compared to their counterparts and significantly higher sero-prevalence was observed in Syangja district compared to Kaski. Thus, adults, females and cross-breeds populations of goats are at higher risk of PPR whereas geographically, goat population of Syangja district were found significantly prone to PPR. Appropriate control measures, such as ring vaccination can be followed to prevent the potential outbreak situation.
A molecular docking study of SARS-CoV-2 main protease against phytochemicals of Boerhavia diffusa Linn. for novel COVID-19 drug discovery
VirusDisease - Tập 32 - Trang 46-54 - 2021
U. Rutwick Surya, N. Praveen
SARS-CoV-2, the causative virus of the Corona virus disease that was first recorded in 2019 (COVID-19), has already affected over 110 million people across the world with no clear targeted drug therapy that can be efficiently administered to the wide spread victims. This study tries to discover a novel potential inhibitor to the main protease of the virus, by computer aided drug discovery where various major active phytochemicals of the plant Boerhavia diffusa Linn. namely 2-3-4 beta-Ecdysone, Bioquercetin, Biorobin, Boeravinone J, Boerhavisterol, kaempferol, Liriodendrin, quercetin and trans-caftaric acid were docked to SAR-CoV-2 Main Protease using Molecular docking server. The ligands that showed the least binding energy were Biorobin with  − 8.17 kcal/mol, Bioquercetin with  − 7.97 kcal/mol and Boerhavisterol with  − 6.77 kcal/mol. These binding energies were found to be favorable for an efficient docking and resultant inhibition of the viral main protease. The graphical illustrations and visualizations of the docking were obtained along with inhibition constant, intermolecular energy (total and degenerate), interaction surfaces and HB Plot for all the successfully docked conditions of all the 9 ligands mentioned. Additionally the druglikeness of the top 3 hits namely Bioquercetin, Biorobin and Boeravisterol were tested by ADME studies and Boeravisterol was found to be a suitable candidate obeying the Lipinsky’s rule. Since the main protease of SARS has been reported to possess structural similarity with the main protease of MERS, comparative docking of these ligands were also carried out on the MERS Mpro, however the binding energies for this target was found to be unfavorable for spontaneous binding. From these results, it was concluded that Boerhavia diffusa possess potential therapeutic properties against COVID-19.
In silico characterization of synthetic promoters designed from mirabilis mosaic virus and rice tungro bacilliform virus
VirusDisease - Tập 31 - Trang 369-373 - 2020
Dipinte Gupta, Rajiv Ranjan
CaMV35S is the most extensively used promoter for ectopic gene expression in plant system. However, multiple use of this promoter possesses several limitation i.e. homologous based gene silencing and differential suitability in monocot and dicot plants. The strength of a promoter is defined by the presence of cis-acting elements and trans acting nucleic binding factors, thus its strength can be regulated by changing the architecture of these regulatory elements. In the present study, eight hybrid promoters were designed from two parareteroviruses, rice tungro bacilliform viruses (RTBV) and mirabilis mosaic virus (MMV). The eight hybrid promoters, along with parental promoters were characterized for the presence of functional cis-elements and transcription factor binding sites (TFBS), which were predicted using bioinformatics tools such as PLACE and Matinspector. Presence of mirabilis mosaic virus modules for specific functions and over-represented modules was determined using Model inspector. A broad range of cis-elements (85), TFBS (1471) was obtained. Presence of Dehydration responsive element binding factors, Apetala 2 (AP2), WRKY, DNA binding with one finger DOF (DOFF) motifs had shown the functional relevance of these designed promoters with abiotic stress inducibility. In addition to these stress regulating TFBS, the presence of some enhancer like motifs such as P$OCSE, P$TERE, P$TODS, P$ASRC had shown the functional relevance of these promoters as a strong candidate for enhanced expression of ectopic gene.
Genetic diversity of viruses infecting cnidium plants (Cnidium officinale) in Japan
VirusDisease - - 2023
Kazuma Iwai, Tatsuya Kon, Yuito Fujita, Haruki Abe, Hiroshi Honma, Naoki Kawasumi, Hiroko Kawakami, Midori Kawashimo, Miki Sakurai, Shin-ichi Fuji
Cnidium vein yellowing virus (CnVYV), cnidium virus X (CnVX), cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) and cnidium virus 1 (CnV1) were detected at extremely high levels in Cnidium officinale plants showing viral symptoms collected from Iwate and Hokkaido Prefectures, Japan. The complete nucleotide sequence of the newly detected CnVYV and CnV1, and genetic diversity of the cnidium-infecting viruses (CnVYV, CnVX, and CnV1) indicated that South Korean and Japanese cnidium plants had close relationship with each other. All three viruses can infect vegetatively propagated perennials and are vertically transmitted once infection occurs.
Evidence of occurring alfalfa mosaic virus in potato plants in Assam, India
VirusDisease - Tập 30 - Trang 571-573 - 2019
Mohamad Hussam Halabi, John Oladeji Oladokun, Palash Deb Nath
Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV, family Bromoviridae, genus Alfamovirus) has an extensive host range. The reports of AMV available in India were dated far back as 1979 and 1981 found in alfalfa and brinjal crops respectively. In January 2019, field surveys were conducted for viral diseases infecting potato in Sonitpur and Jorhat districts of Assam state of India. Severe yellow mosaic or calico pattern symptom, consistent with infection with AMV were observed with an incidence of approximately 25% of the plants found in farmer’s fields. Sixty different symptomatic leaf samples including those associated with AMV observed were collected at random and were analysed to detect the presence of AMV. Leaf samples were frozen in liquid nitrogen and total RNA extracted from them were analyzed by one step polymerase chain reaction to detect the presence of AMV reported in potato inducing similar symptoms using a specific pair of primers for coat protein gene. An expected amplicon size of 351 bp was observed in 70% of the symptomatic leaf samples when the PCR products were analyzed on a 1.2% agarose gel. The PCR product for one sample each from the surveyed districts was eluted, purified and sequenced. The sequence results obtained were compared with those deposited in GenBank database. Blastn analysis of the sequenced isolates submitted to GenBank revealed nucleotides similar to AMV Iran isolate sequences. To our knowledge, this is the first report of AMV infecting potato in India.
Understanding HIV-associated neurocognitive and neurodegenerative disorders (neuroAIDS): enroute to achieve the 95-95-95 target and sustainable development goal for HIV/AIDS response
VirusDisease - Tập 34 - Trang 165-171 - 2023
Shailendra K. Saxena, Deepak Sharma, Swatantra Kumar, Bipin Puri
The world’s sustained commitment to the HIV/AIDS response and to reaching the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of “ending AIDS” as a public health issue is indicated by the ambitious 95-95-95 targets for all relevant populations. Neurological conditions of AIDS (neuroAIDS) are the most significant and severe central nervous system complication associated with HIV infection in which viral antigens can enter in the brain by breaching the blood brain barrier and cause dementia, neuroinflammation and encephalopathy. The prevalence of neuroAIDS is 10–50% in people with advanced HIV disease, whereas 5–25% in people on ART. Currently, MRI, CT and other tools are used to diagnose the neuroAIDS/ HIV-associated dementia and antiretroviral therapy is widely used to treat the neuroAIDS. In spite of many advanced tools and pathogenesis of neuroAIDS, developing therapeutics remains a formidable challenge. Long acting cabotegravir type of therapeutics is an advanced stage of research which shows good results for the treatment of neuroAIDS. Therefore, here we are discussing the recent insights of the pathogenesis, possible therapeutics and current strategies and treatment to overcome the neuroAIDS.
Molecular evidence of porcine circovirus 3 infection in swine: first report in southern India
VirusDisease - - 2022
S. Parthiban, G. Dhinakar Raj, Anbu K. Karuppannan, S. Hemalatha, M. Parthiban, Chintu Ravishankar, K. Senthilkumar, D. Balasubramaniyam
Emerging horizon for bat borne viral zoonoses
VirusDisease - Tập 30 - Trang 321-328 - 2019
V. Beena, G. Saikumar
Bats are the only flying placental mammals that constitute the second largest order of mammals and present all around the world except in Arctic, Antarctica and a few oceanic islands. Sixty percent of emerging infectious diseases originating from animals are zoonotic and more than two-thirds of them originate in wildlife. Bats were evolved as a super-mammal for harboring many of the newly identified deadly diseases without any signs and lesions. Their unique ability to fly, particular diet, roosting behavior, long life span, ability to echolocate and critical susceptibility to pathogens make them suitable host to harbor numerous zoonotic pathogens like virus, bacteria and parasite. Many factors are responsible for the emergence of bat borne zoonoses but the most precipitating factor is human intrusions. Deforestation declined the natural habitat and forced the bats and other wild life to move out of their niche. These stressed bats, having lost foraging and behavioral pattern invade in proximity of human habitation. Either directly or indirectly they transmit the viruses to humans and animals. Development of fast detection modern techniques for viruses from the diseased and environmental samples and the lessons learned in the past helped in preventing the severity during the latest outbreaks.
Identification and genotyping of porcine circovirus type II (PCV2) in Mexico
VirusDisease - Tập 29 - Trang 385-389 - 2018
Felipe Bedolla López, María E. Trujillo Ortega, Susana Mendoza Elvira, Victor Quintero Ramírez, Rogelio Alonso Morales, Humberto Ramírez-Mendoza, Jose I. Sanchez-Betancourt
Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2), family Circoviridae, genus Circovirus infection in domestic pig has been associated with several pathological conditions being the most important of them the postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome. Many studies have demonstrated the existence of three PCV2 genotypes (a, b, and c) and recently PCV3. Until now, these genotypes or subgenotypes have not been described in Mexico. We found genetic changes in ORF2 from nine strains of PCV2 obtained from samples of Jalisco, Veracruz, Estado de México, Hidalgo and Sonora states of Mexico. Our results shown the presence of two genotypes (PCV2a and PCV2b) as well as, the presence and differences between the reported subgenotypes. The subgenotype PCV2b (1A/1B, 1A) has a higher prevalence (87.5%) in comparison with PCV2a (2C) (12.5%).
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